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Showing posts with the label #oinp_draws

Ontario invited 4,452 candidates under the 3 OINP draws

On February 8, 2024, the Government of Ontario invited candidates through three Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) draws. The province issued 2,118 targeted notifications of interest (NOIs) to candidates with experience in Tech occupations under the Human Capital Priorities (HCP) Stream. The minimum scores for this draw were between 471 and 480 points.  OINP conducted two other draws under the Employer Job Offer: International Student stream and issued 1,188 invitations to apply (ITAs) in the General draw of the EJO IS stream and 1,152 ITAs to candidates with work experience in Tech and Healthcare occupations. The minimum scores for these draws were 78 points and 73 points, respectively. Invited Technology occupations  Applicants received an NOI only if they had a CRS score of 471-480 and work experience in the Technology Occupations stated here Overall, the year 2024 witnessed Ontario's continued dedication to welcoming skilled professionals from around the world. Wit...