The immigration minister is positive about the progress in processing applications for permanent residence
The immigration minister is positive about the progress in processing applications for permanent residence On October 19, 2023, Marc Miller, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), issued a statement in response to the Auditor General's report on processing permanent residence applications. The report examined how IRCC handles applications and deals with backlogs. In August 2022, IRCC started publishing monthly data to inform the public about their efforts to reduce application backlogs. Since then, IRCC has made significant progress in reducing backlogs through the digitalization of applications, staff recruitment and training, and implementing automation technologies. The immigration minister expressed optimism as many areas of operation now meet service standards. Despite the challenges faced, IRCC has shown progress and remains dedicated to fulfilling its commitments and ensuring Canada continues to be a welcoming and inclusive destina...